Affordable Fly Rugs & Masks

Our popular fly rugs feature the same fully adjustable front fastenings as our turnout rugs to ensure a great fit!  We have chosen stripe designs not only because they look attractive, but because striped rugs have been scientifically proven to deter flies!  Also available is our waterproof fly rug with a 600 denier waterproof panel over the neck, shoulders and back to protect your horse/pony from our changeable British weather! 


Our fly rugs are made from a tough mesh fabric which is superior to that of the very cheap fly rugs on the market, so these rugs are far more likely to stand up to normal wear and tear. A quote from one of our customers: "Was thrilling to get my Maxima rug out and have it in one piece since last year, we normally go through about five fly rugs a year but this has lasted perfectly!"




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